Canvas made to be the cover of "The fantastic story of the World of Bhardo"
Título: Étolo, o Louco
Técnica: Óleo sobre Tela
Medidas: 40 x 50 cm
Data: novembro de 2006
Second version of the canvas painted to be the cover of my first book. This one was printed on the first edition of the book, with the improvement on the tail's fire.
Étolo, the Mad. Oil on Canvas, 40 X 50cm, november, 2006.

As lendas sobre dragões remontam os primórdios da civilização, aparecendo pela primeira vez em pinturas aborígenes da Austrália que datam de 40.000 A.C. Diversas culturas ao redor do mundo, que nunca se relacionaram entre si, tiveram lendas semelhantes que retratavam criaturas gigantescas e serpentinas, provavelmente inspiradas por ossadas de dinossauros e de outros animais grandes, como cetáceos e crocodilos. Aparecem na Bíblia, como a serpente cuspidora de fogo Leviatã, do Livro de Jó; nas lendas da Mesopotâmia, dos povos Astecas e dos povos orientais. No geral, nas lendas européias os dragões eram tidos como criaturas malignas, forças destruidoras geralmente associadas ao mal. Na cultura oriental os dragões eram vistos como os seres que traziam as chuvas, e eram associados à fertilidade e abundância, muitas vezes ocupando lugar entre as divindades desses povos.
Nas histórias fantásticas de hoje os dragões são elementos quase obrigatórios, e aparecem nas mais diversas formas e com os mais diferentes temperamentos.
The legends about dragons back the dawn of civilization, first appearing in Australian aboriginal paintings dating back to 40,000 BC. Several cultures around the world, who were never related to each other, had similar legends depicting gigantic serpentine creatures, probably inspired by dinosaurs bones and other large animals, such as whales and crocodiles. Appear in the Bible, as the serpent spitting fire Leviathan, the Book of Job, in the Mesopotamia legends, Aztec people and Eastern peoples. Overall, the European legends dragons were seen as evil creatures, destructive forces usually associated with evil. In Eastern culture dragons were seen as beings who brought the rains, and were associated with fertility and abundance, often taking place among the deities of these people .
In the fantastic stories nowadays dragons are almost mandatory elements, and appear in many different ways and with many different temperaments .
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